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The Watch Tower Explains the Dangers of Conspiracy Theories


On their website the Watch Tower Society writes:

Today, you have access to more information than ever, including the kind that can help you stay safe and healthy. But in your search, you need to beware of misinformation, such as misleading news, false reports, and conspiracy theories.

It is a very good article. If I was to address this issue I would be proud to put my name to such sound advice on misinformation and conspiracy theories. The problem is they break so many of their own rules.

Check Your Sources

In tackling the question of reliable sources they write:

Compare what you see in one news outlet with other sources. At times, friends may inadvertently pass on misinformation through email messages or social media posts. Therefore, do not trust a news item unless you can check the original source.’

This is sound advice, which they reinforce it:

Make sure that the content is current and accurate. Look for dates, verifiable facts, and strong evidence to support what is being said. Be especially cautious if complex information seems to be oversimplified or if the report is designed to evoke an emotional reaction.’

Yet the Watch Tower Society discourages such thorough research in its own organisation:

Since the purpose of preaching God’s Word is to make every thought obedient to the Christ, it follows that one should reject the goal of independent thinking.’ - Watchtower, 15th Feb 1960

Independent thinking is difficult, unpopular and even suspect. Thought conformity is the order of our day.’ - Watchtower, 1st August 1957

From time to time, there have arisen from among the ranks of Jehovah's people those, who, like the original Satan, have adopted an independent, fault-finding attitude...They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. But, strangely, through such 'Bible reading,' they have reverted right back to the apostate doctrines that commentaries by Christendom's clergy were teaching.’ - Watchtower 1981 Aug 15 p.29

Here, checking the original source becomes the wicked practice of ‘reading the Bible exclusively,’ fact-finding becomes ‘fault-finding,’ and thorough research becomes ‘independent thinking.’ They go on to warn readers:

Watch for Confirmation Bias

We tend to trust information that confirms what we want to believe. And Internet companies often customize our news and social media feeds to offer us information based on our interests and browsing history. However, what we like to hear is not always what we need to hear.’

Did Colossians 1 come to mind for you just then? Here it is in the essentially literal ESV translation:

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities – all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.’ (Col.1:15-17)

Here it is in the New World Translation, 2013 edition:

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and on the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him and for him. Also, he is before all other things, and by means of him all other things were made to exist…’

There is no warrant for adding the word ‘other’ to the text. It is not in the Greek and it changes significantly the meaning. The Bible says Christ created ‘all things’ while the NWT says Christ created ‘all other things.’ This is because Jehovah’s Witnesses believe Jesus was created. That is the meaning they take from the words, ‘He is...the firstborn of all creation.’ This cannot be the case because the rest of the passage clearly states, ‘by him all things were created.’ (CF Jn.1:3)

Paul is writing here not of being firstborn in a literal sense but of Jesus enjoying the rights and privileges of a firstborn son. The Watch Tower Society adds ‘other’ in order to do the very thing they warn readers to watch out for, i.e. to make the Bible conform to what they believe. They have ‘customised’ the message to fit their agenda, rather like an Internet company might. This is called confirmation bias.

Thank Jehovah for the UN

In an article designed to warn readers about conspiracy theories, they quote the secretary-general of the United Nations who warns of a dangerous epidemic of misinformation. In 1963 the Society had this to say about the UN:

"Such dwellers on earth wondered admiringly at the revived scarlet wild beast. Much reliance was placed in its ability to be a power for world peace and security. Great expectations were held out for it, and it was given designations that were really blasphemous from the standpoint of the Holy Bible. How so? In that to this wild beast powers were ascribed and tasks were assigned that really belong to Gods kingdom and its Messiah or its Christ. Back in 1919 the scarlet League of Nations had been seriously called the political expression of the Kingdom of God on earth. And now the United Nations, the successor of that League, has been called the best means for peace, yes, even more than that, the last hope for peace. So today we can see in actuality what the apostle John saw in symbol, that that scarlet-colored wild beast is full of blasphemous names. Those expressions of admiration for it turn false religionists, not to the worship of Jehovah God the Creator, but to idolatry of a man-made creation, the worship of a political image, the worship of an international organization for world peace and security. Rev. 17:3." Watchtower 1963 Nov 15 p.697

In 1984 the Society had this to say about the UN:

"No, the UN is not a blessing, even though the religious clergy of Christendom and the rabbis of Jewry pray heaven’s blessing upon that organization. It is really “the image of the wild beast,” the visible political, commercial organization of “the god of this system of things,” Satan the Devil. So the UN will soon be destroyed along with that beastly organization." Watchtower 1984 Sep 15 p.15
In 1987 they declared:
"The United Nations is actually a worldly confederacy against Jehovah God and his dedicated Witnesses on earth." Watchtower 1987 Sep 1 p.20
Since the formation of the League of Nations the Watch Tower Society has characterised the League, and its successor United Nations, as a great conspiracy standing against Jehovah and his organisation. Yet here they are quoting it as a reliable authority in an article warning readers to guard against conspiracies.

The Watch Tower Society applied for and was granted associate membership of the United Nations in 1991/92.

The Truth About Conspiracy Theories

Finally, in the context of the pandemic, they tell readers 'the truth about conspiracy theories:

Conspiracy theories can undermine trust in legitimate sources of information, and some can cause people to reject health or safety advice. Such theories can promote prejudice and violence against the group thought to be involved in the conspiracy.’

I’ll just leave that there, shall I?


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