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Pictured here is Mormon church leader Bradley R. Wilcox. He is speaking at a Fireside Youth gathering in February 2022. He surely did not know that as he spoke to the young people that evening, his message would go viral and cause outrage. There was such a backlash to his lesson that he quickly had to issue an apology. What did he say that caused such an offence? Was he speaking untruth and misrepresenting the Mormon church and its teaching? Was he bringing the church into disrepute? Over the next few weeks, I will review his message and seek to answer the question: Did Brad Wilcox speak the truth about Mormonism?

Who is Bradley R. Wilcox?

On the LDS website we read:

Bradley R. Wilcox was born in Provo, Utah, on December 25, 1959. He and his wife, Deborah Gunnell, have four children. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Brigham Young University (BYU) and his doctorate in education from the University of Wyoming. He has served in several Church callings, including full-time missionary in the Chile Vina del Mar Mission, bishop, mission president of the Chile Santiago East Mission, counsellor in a YSA stake presidency, and member of the Sunday School general board. Most recently, he served as high councillor and stake Young Men president.

He is currently a professor in BYU’s Department of Ancient Scripture. He is the author of the book The Continuous Atonement and the BYU devotional address “His Grace Is Sufficient.”[1]

As we read about ‘Brad’, as he calls himself, we find that he is thoroughly Mormon. This is important to note from the outset as we begin to dissect his so called ‘controversial’ message. Brad is not a Mormon lone ranger. Someone invited to the Fireside to offer a personal view. No, Brad is a bone fide, thoroughly sold out for Joseph Smith, leader within the church.

Setting the Scene

After welcoming everyone to the meeting, the young lady who was leading announced the opening hymn: We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet. Here are the opening lyrics:

We thank thee, O God, for a prophet.

To guide us in these latter days.

We thank thee for sending the gospel.

 To lighten our minds with its rays.


Nothing too controversial here for a Mormon gathering to sing. They believe that God sent the prophet Joseph Smith to guide and restore the only true church, and that they alone have the fullness of the gospel. This hymn then was not only in line with Mormon doctrine but was totally compatible with the message about to be delivered. I am often asked to choose a hymn that fits with my message, and it may be that Brad had been asked to do the same.

Getting Down with the Kids

After the hymn, and a piano solo, Brad got up to speak. Clearly used to speaking to youth, he sought to get down to their level.

He told them that though some of their peers may be leaving the church, such ones cannot leave the issues of life which are common to all. They will still face troubles and heartache – but they will no longer have the blessings of the church to help them through the difficult times they will surely face. What are these blessings?

Brad said that the Mormon church had six doctrines that cannot be found anywhere else. He said that some leave ‘other’ churches and not miss that much, but if you leave the Mormon church you miss everything.

In teaching them the things that Mormon Church have which others do not, he used an acrostic to help them remember his message. The acrostic was formed of the word ‘Gospel’

The Gospel

An acrostic can be a useful teaching aid. In teaching the gospel, I too have used an acrostic. Here is an example of something I have used:

GOD – created us to be in relationship with Him.

OUR – sin has broken our relationship with Him.

SIN – cannot be removed by our good works.

PAYING – the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.

EVERYONE – who repents and puts faith in Jesus has eternal life.

LIFE - with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

This acrostic lays out the essence of the gospel as believed upon and taught by historic Christianity. Is the content of my acrostic in any way similar to the one used by Mormon leader Brad Wilcox?

The Mormon Gospel

Brad laid the foundation for his acrostic by saying that the Mormon church has six doctrines that cannot be found in ‘other’ churches. His acrostic was to point to each of these doctrines. Here, in a nutshell, is what he said:

Godhead – Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are individual beings.

Only True Church – The Mormon Church alone has the fulness of the gospel.

Spirit – The Mormon Church alone has the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Priesthood – The Mormon Church alone has authority.

Everyone – The Mormon Church alone offers salvation to everyone – even the dead.

Living Prophets – The Mormon Church alone has prophets equal to Peter, James and John.

In using this acrostic with the youth, Brad Wilcox laid out what makes Mormonism distinct from historic Christianity. He said nothing that wasn’t already known by his hearers that evening, so why the controversy?

Unpacking Mormonism

It wasn’t his acrostic that caused offence, but rather his application of these six, unique to Mormons, doctrines. Over the next few weeks, I will take a look at what he said and ask if he was being true to Mormonism.




Bro Wilcox speaks the truth about the Restored Gospel and Church of Jesus Christ.

therefore, because you and all of ROT are bigots that do now know or understand the Holy Bible you try to make a meal of him.

Is this what ROT has become? If so, then ROT's endgame is in sight.

Doug must be turning over in his grave.

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