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Born Again Mormons (Part 2)


It is no surprise that the Book of Mormon has something to say about spiritual rebirth. Latter-day Saint history speaks of times of religious fervour and renewal during Joseph Smith’s younger years. It was, they claim, this period of spiritual fervour that caused Joseph to become confused. The First Vision account recounts what he did:

When Joseph was 14 years old, he was inspired by James 1:5, which promises, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” Joseph determined to pray to know which church he should join and to ask for forgiveness of his sins.[1]

There can be little doubt that during such a period, Joseph would have heard preachers declaring that a person must be ‘born-again’; that a spiritual rebirth was required to enter the Kingdom of God. But why were these enthusiastic preachers proclaiming this? Because they were convinced of what Jesus taught Nicodemus.

In my previous article we considered Jesus’ words to the religious leader Nicodemus. Jesus told him that, even though he was a ‘ruler of the Jews’[2] he needed to be born again. Knowledge and piety, keeping all the rules, being an expert in the law, was not the way into the Kingdom of God. Nicodemus needed a spiritual rebirth, an awakening, a new start.

Mormons are correct in saying that the Book of Mormon and Latter-day revelation say more about what Jesus meant by the term ‘born-again’, but what do these extra- biblical sources reveal to us?

The Book of Mormon

Should we be shocked to find verses in the Book of Mormon that speak about being born again? Certainly not, say the Latter-day Saints. After all Jesus visited the Americas after his resurrection, teaching many of the same things he taught to others before his death and resurrection in Israel. Hence, we find lots of similarities in what Jesus says in the Bible and what we find in the Book of Mormon. An example of this can be found is Mosiah 27 in the Book of Mormon:

I have repented of my sins, and have been redeemed of the Lord; behold I am born of the Spirit. And the Lord said unto me: Marvel not that all mankind, yea, men and women, all nations, kindreds, tongues and people, must be born again; yea, born of God, changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness, being redeemed of God, becoming his sons and daughters; And thus they become new creatures; and unless they do this, they can in nowise inherit the kingdom of God.  Mosiah 27:24-26

The story goes that Alma the Younger and the sons of King Mosiah rebelled against their fathers and the Lord and attempted to destroy the Church of God.

At this point God sent an angel who called them to repentance. They did indeed repent and were born again, after which they travelled throughout the land of Zarahemla preaching the gospel and making restitution for their former rebellion.

These verses from Mosiah chapter 27 align with Jesus’ words to Nicodemus in John 3. Mosiah states that those born of God are ‘changed from their carnal and fallen state, to a state of righteousness’ and so can ‘inherit the kingdom of God’.

Now Latter-day Saints would be quick to point out that any agreement found between the Bible and the Book of Mormon is obviously because they come from the same source. I agree but would disagree with their reasons for such.

In his work ‘An Insider’s View of Mormon Origins’, Grant Palmer claimed the following about the Book of Mormon:

Seventy-five percent of the content of the book is accounted for by Joseph Smith's use of six, nineteenth-century sources of which he was very familiar. Twenty-five percent came from the Bible and another twenty-five percent came from the Methodist religion. The remaining twenty-five percent came from three other sources.[3]

What Palmer claims is that Joseph Smith was predominantly a plagiarist. As twenty-five percent of the Book of Mormon is lifted directly from the Bible, we should not at all be surprised that the two will concur in certain places.

This is all good, but what of Latter-day revelation? Does this support the teaching of the Book of Mormon and the Bible on the topic of being born-again?

Latter-day Revelation

It would be reasonable to believe that, knowing what the Bible and the Book of Mormon says about the need for spiritual rebirth, those so-called guardians of the faith, namely Apostles and Prophets within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, would teach the same. They would claim that they do. But is this true?

Same Words – Different Meaning

Though Mormon Leaders and Mormon Doctrine speak about the need to be born again, they teach it to mean something very different.

In the Bible, and throughout Christian history, born-again has always been understood to have been an instantaneous event. Many well-known Christians have documented this event in their own life. We may think of John Wesley who recorded in his journal the night he felt ‘his heart strangely warmed’, or of Martin Luther who upon reading Romans 1:17, ‘For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith’, had his heart illumined to the saving gospel. Many, many others could be cited, but these two will suffice to prove the point. What we are speaking of here is very different to the Mormon doctrine of being ‘born-again’. In part 3 we will consider how they teach this to the LDS faithful.

Read Part One Here


[2] John 3:1



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