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SPECIAL BULLETIN: How are Jehovah’s Witnesses Adapting to the Corona Virus Lock Down?

Someone over at Quora asked this question and I was curious to know the answer. The reply on Quora, from an inactive Witness with a still faithful family, talks about video conferencing among other things.

The Memorial Meal, where gathering was prohibited, took place online, with a leader giving the talk on Zoom. They made bread according to the prescribed recipe, had some wine, and afterwards threw it away in the kitchen bin I imagine. It will come as no surprise to find everyone dressed for this as though they were going to the Kingdom Hall, even though they were at home.

The door-to-door work and the cart witnessing are cancelled of course. However, undaunted, they have resorted to telephone witnessing, calling back their call backs on the phone. Some are letter writing, again no surprise given the way the Society can marshal their army of members to mass produce letters of protest at the drop of a hat, clogging up the already burdened mailing system. You can read more here.

One Witness in Pisa tells how he and his wife are going through their phone contacts and video conferencing Bible studies. Inevitably, in such times, any message of impending doom will be taken seriously by many and the Jehovah’s Witnesses are making capital of this, ensuring people understand the only safety is in the Watchtower organisation. More here

Through its broadcasting arm the Watchtower Society is using its familiar tactic of frightening and recruiting people. In a recent broadcast, governing body member Stephen Letts assured us, ‘We’re living in the final part of the last days, undoubtedly the final part of the final part of the last days, shortly before the LAST day of the last days.’ You can watch him here.

The Society really should have a banner on all their publications declaring, ‘Predicting war, plagues, pestilence, and the end of the world since 1876.’ The Society has more to say here.

Young children are being encouraged to this effort and with some effect. While others are dressing their windows with rainbows and teddy bears to cheer any passing children, JW children are decorating their windows with invitations to find and watch Caleb and Sophia, two little scallywags whose mission is to indoctrinate children. Read here.

There is a great difference between an evangelist and an opportunist, a salesman and a missionary. I hope we all understand that and I hope we are doing what we can to be witnesses in our communities, not recruiters, serving without distinction everyone we can help, living the gospel as well as sharing it.


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