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The Trinity and the Theory of Light


As a rule, I tend to avoid the subject of the Trinity when talking with Jehovah’s Witnesses.  The reason being that it is such a big subject and one to which they are so vehemently opposed.  Their rejection of the doctrine is one of the few teachings that has made it through the decades from the very early days of the organisation. Additionally, they have been taught so many untruths about the Trinity idea by the Watchtower that one has to wade through them before even beginning to put forward the Biblical evidence

They have been taught that the doctrine is confusing and that Jehovah is not a God of confusion, quoting 1 Cor 14 v 33 as proof.  This argument is a complete fallacy as we are not saying God ‘invented’ the Trinity, it’s just what is; if we find it confusing then that’s our problem not God’s mistake!

The doctrine can be found in the Bible today, but you have to have a certain mindset to understand how it can be so – three separate persons yet still only one God.  But, what has the theory of light have to do with this?

In 1704 Sir Isaac Newton (of the falling apple fame) decided that light was ‘corpuscular’, that it was made of particles that travelled with infinite speed.  Later, in the early 1800s, the alternative theory came to the fore that light was a wave instead.  The argument as to which was right raged on for centuries with some experiments confirming that light was a wave and some confirming it was made of particles. 

It wasn’t until the early part of the 20th Century that people came to accept the evidence before them that light is both a particle and a wave at the same time.  Accepting this confusing idea as truth, even though scientists didn’t understand it, made it fit all the experimental evidence. 

Letting go of long held ideas of the world around them led to the radical branch of physics known as quantum mechanics.  This is turn led to an explosion in understanding of how the world of the tiny operates.  It is this new understanding that has resulted in much of the smart technology we take for granted today and has opened up whole new areas of study.

Accepting the apparently contradictory evidence within the Bible that God is one and yet exists as three persons may not seem to make sense, but once accepted, this leads to a new world of understanding of the relation between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


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