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Why Should You Believe?


Should You Believe in The Trinity? is a booklet published in 1989 by the Watchtower Society to challenge Trinitarian doctrine. Always good for an eye-catching book title, Doug came up with Why Should You Believe? Should You Believe in The Trinity? He did a great job of demonstrating the mendacity of the Watchtower Society in their publication. I am in the process of updating and reformatting Doug’s work. You can still find the JW title on their website.

I want to share some of Doug’s work with you, along with a simple example of how Doug more than competently handles the defence they offer when you challenge their selective quoting. When it is republished I will be sure to let you know.

Doug writes:

When you show that a particular quote is selective many Jehovah’s Witnesses will say, “Well the writer does say these words and therefore we are not misquoting them.” The answer I give to this is to quote John 3:16 & 17 from the New World Translation, as follows:

For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, in order that everyone... might... be destroyed.’

Is that correct Mr Witness? No? Nevertheless, the Bible says these words. I hope that through this the Witness will begin to see how dishonest it is, by judicial editing, to make any author say the opposite to what he or she actually said.

Doug helpfully organised the book in this way:

[The original words from “Trinity” are in normal print and words or qualifying sentences omitted from the quote are in bold/italic print. We give the full reference of the cited book so a careful check can be made to see that we are not misquoting. Any comments made are in a separate paragraph clearly marked COMMENT. The page number is the page in the original print version of “Trinity” where you find the quote.]’

There follows the opening few quotes, with the qualifying sentences and comments:

Page 4. -The Encyclopaedia Americana, Vol.27, p.116

It is held that although the doctrine is beyond the grasp of human reason, it is, like many of the formulations of physical science, not contrary to reason, and may be apprehended (though it may not be comprehended) by the human mind.

Page 4. - A Dictionary of Religious Knowledge, Rev.L.Abbott, 1875, p.944

It is certain, however, that from the apostolic times they paid worship to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, addressed them their prayers, and included them in their doxologies. It was not till the beginning of the fourth century that the question began to be elaborately discussed how this practice, and the experience out of which it sprung, should be formed into a doctrine, and reconciled with the belief of the Church in one God... Precisely what that doctrine is, or rather precisely how it is to be explained, Trinitarians are not agreed among themselves... It is not possible for human intellect to comprehend fully the divine nature. The Bible represents God to us as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. It represents them equally entitled to our highest reverence, affection, and allegiance. It attributes to all the same divine qualities. It even uses these titles at times interchangeably.

Page 4. - New Catholic Encyclopaedia

TRINITARIAN PROBLEM AS POSED TODAY This article may now return to the contemporary scene in an attempt to pinpoint problem and perspective. The Pastoral Question. There are few teachers of Trinitarian theology in Roman Catholic seminaries who have not been badgered at one time or another by the question, "But how does one preach the Trinity?" And if the question is symptomatic of confusion on the part of the students, perhaps it is no less symptomatic of similar confusion on the part of their professors. If "the Trinity" here means Trinitarian theology, the best answer would be that one does not preach it at all...If "the Trinity" means, however, as more often it will, Trinitarian doctrine, particularly the fundamental dogma "one God in three Persons," what should be said in reply has not always been too clear. The 4th-century articulation of the triadic mystery is at least implicitly the word of God, hence part of the Christian credo. On the other hand, it is not, as already seen, directly and immediately word of God. And today, it is becoming more and more recognized that the direct and immediate word of God, the Biblical message speaking for itself, should be the heart and substance of the communication both in preaching and in catechesis. Up to a point, of course, this has always been the case. Even that famous pastor's manual, the 16th-century Catechism of the Council of Trent referred to in the introduction, had embellished its dogma-based and dogma orientated presentation of the Trinitarian mystery with a wealth of scriptural quotation...take up directly and immediately the Biblical revelation and to postpone any explicitly consideration of the dogma to the very end. (New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1965, Trinity, p304)


This quote is addressing a pastoral question and not a theological. Pastorally, you don’t preach the depth of Trinitarian theology, but in preaching the Trinity, ‘the Biblical message speaking for itself, should be the heart and substance of the communication both in preaching and in catechesis.’ The Trinity is implicitly the Word of God so we preach the revelation in Scripture that shows Jesus as having all the attributes of God – show them Jesus – and take up the more complex issues of Trinitarian dogma on that foundation. Isn’t that what we do when speaking to a JW? We show them Jesus and ask how this could be simply a man, or an incarnated angel.

Page 4. - What Are They Saying About The Trinity? - Joseph Bracken

Priests who with considerable effort learned... the Trinity during their seminary years naturally hesitated to present it to their people from the pulpit, even on Trinity Sunday Why should one bore people with something that in the end they wouldn’t properly understand anyway?... The Trinity is a matter of formal belief, but it has little or no [effect] in day-to-day Christian life and worship.


Fr. Joseph Bracken SJ (1930-2024) was a Roman Catholic theologian and philosopher, a Jesuit and a staunch Trinitarian. His is a comment on the struggle to bring an understanding of the ineffable to simple people, and not a characterisation of the Trinity as incomprehensible. The previous quotes make the same point. A thing difficult to grasp is not ridiculous and the fact some people find the Trinity confusing does not mean the doctrine itself is wrong.

The Dictionary of Religious knowledge quote, given fully, even states, It is certain, however, that from the apostolic times they paid worship to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, addressed them their prayers, and included them in their doxologies. What is this if not the triune God?’'

You may find Jehovah’s Witnesses quoting from the Why Should You Believe booklet without your knowing it. It is well to know how to handle any quote they bring, ask where it comes from, and check for yourself (the Internet is very helpful here) if they are being honest in what they are saying. It is also well to understand that they don’t know the quotes are selective, and are simply bringing what they have read in a Watchtower publication. We should be pastoral in our approach, bringing correction in love, and sharing Christ. You never know who might be ready to hear.


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