The Watch Tower Society has tried to remove all references to Christ’s deity in their New World Translation of the Bible. They relegate Jesus to a place that is inferior, insisting he shouldn’t be worshipped because, they insist, he is not God. Who Were the Jews Looking For? The Jews were looking for a Messiah who is described in the Jewish Scripture as Mighty God, Isaiah 9:6. The Jehovah’s Witnesses argue that here Jesus is called ‘Mighty’ but only Jehovah is called ‘Almighty,’ concluding Jehovah alone is God. However, many Bible texts call Jehovah simply ‘Mighty.’ All the following call Jehovah Mighty: Deuteronomy 10:17; Nehemiah 9:32; Psalm 50:1; Isaiah 10:21; Jeremiah 32:18. Jeremiah 23: 5,6 sees Jesus given the name Jehovah-tsidkenu , meaning, ‘The God of my righteousness.’ The Lord the Jews were seeking was none other than God himself, Jehovah our righteousness. At his birth Jesus was proclaimed, ‘Christ the Lord’ Luke 2:11 and named I mmanuel , meaning, ‘God with us...
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