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Showing posts from May, 2023

The Reactivating of Christ’s Life Pattern (Resurrection)

  The Watch Tower Society teaches that when Jesus died he went out of existence. It required Jehovah God to raise him because he was only in God’s memory: ‘ Resurrection involves a reactivating of the life patter n of the individual, which life pattern God has retained in his memory.’ Reasoning from the Scriptures, 1985, p.333 They also say Jesus was resurrected as a spirit, having no physical body. He simply materialised bodies to suit the occasion: ‘ It is true that Jesus appeared in physical form to his disciples after his resurrection. But on certain occasions, why did they not at first recognise him?...Jesus evidently materialised bodies on these occasions, as angels had done in the past when appearing to humans. Disposing of Jesus’ physical body at the time of his resurrection presented no problem for God. Interestingly, although the physical body was not left by God in the tomb (evidently to strengthen the conviction of the disciples that Jesus had actually been raised)...

The 'Most Remarkable' Joseph Smith

  Russell M Ballard Speaking in Toronto If you were asked to identify ‘the most remarkable event in history’ you would, as a Christian, be spoiled for choice. I know the obvious answer is the events on Golgotha, the cross and the atoning sacrifice of Christ, but there are some pretty close run second place events in Christian history. What about the incarnation itself, God taking on human form and, as John so eloquently puts it: ‘ The Word became flesh and dwelt (tabernacled, pitched his tent) among us and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.’ John 1:14 Then again , that this Word become flesh went about healing the sick, raising the dead, and more remarkable still, forgiving sins – full of grace and truth indeed – must be up there. The unveiling of his glory atop mount Hermon, to which John alludes – ‘we have seen his glory’ – is a truly remarkable event. The Son of God, his glory veiled in flesh, revealing his true natu...

Is Jesus God?

  Last week I asked, ‘Is Worshipping Jesus Wrong?’ We discovered the Watch Tower Society is inconsistent in its understanding of ‘worship’ as well as in its historical teaching and practice. In asking ‘Is Jesus God?’ we are looking at the magnificent description of Jesus in Paul’s letter to Colossae, a magnificence that is totally missed by Unitarian believers like Jehovah’s Witnesses. The Heresy Paul’s purpose in writing is to refute a heresy that has arisen among Colossian believers. The saints at Colossae appear to have come under the influence of a hybrid, Jewish/Pagan, philosophical system marked by: Ceremonialism : concerning food, drink, certain religious festivals and circumcision (2:16-17,23) Asceticism : ‘Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!’ (2:21) Angel worship (2:18) Secret knowledge (2:18) Human wisdom and tradition (2:4,8) The deprecation of Christ (2:8) Paul writes: ‘ See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according...

Is Worshipping Jesus Wrong?

    The Watch Tower Society believes that only Jehovah is God therefore only he is entitled to receive worship. Any other worship is wrong. The Society states: ‘ Most Hebrew and Greek words that can denote worship can also be applied to acts other than worship. However, the context determines in what way the respective words are to be understood.’ - Insight on the Scriptures, vol.2, 1988, p.1211 However, the Society's conclusions are decided in advance. They decide Jesus isn’t God the Son and allow that conclusion to colour every text that mentions Jesus being worshipped. This is not the way to do an open-minded Bible study. History The above position on worship has not always been held by the Society. Today a Jehovah’s Witness must not worship Jesus, but in 1916 they were told that many would worship even Charles Russell: ‘ Charles Taze Russell thou hast, by the Lord, been crowned a king and through the everlasting ages thy name shall be known amongst the people, and thy ...