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Showing posts from June, 2020

Killing the Passion - Witnesses?

If you want to know what this series is about go to my first post here . Brian Simmons claims 'the anointing' on him was strong such that people in a local supermarket fell around him as he walked the aisles with his shopping trolley. People simply couldnā€™t keep their feet while he was around. He insists his ā€˜staffā€™ were often witnesses of these events, especially the raising of a child from the dead. In an interview with Sid Roth , Brian Simmons reveals this and tells how Jesus appeared to him, telling him he should write a new translation of the Bible. He paints a picture of his having such anointing his ā€™staffā€™ asked, on his simply entering a room, ā€˜What happened to you?ā€™ The dramatisation on the Sid Roth show leaves no doubt many witnessed the most spectacular events marking this manā€™s life. From his time as a young man in the army to raising the dead in India, nothing about him seems ordinary. What is interesting is that he doesnā€™t bring any witnesses of these r...

Mormon Monday. The Mormon 'line of authority.'

The Mormon missionary manual, Preach my Gospel, teaches: "The Church of Jesus Christ is built on the foundation of apostles and prophets (see Ephesians 2:19ā€“20; 4:11ā€“14). These leaders have divine priesthood authority. Through revelation they direct the affairs of the Church. They maintain doctrinal purity, authorize the administration of ordinances, and call and confer the priesthood authority upon others" This is about the classic Mormon argument that, either there is a continuity of authority from the days of the apostles, in which case the Catholic Church has prior claim to supreme authority, or there has been a break in continuity from those days, an apostasy, therefore the Mormon claim to be a restoration stands true. When a Mormon male is ordained an elder in the church he is given a document known as a 'line of authority,' showing an unbroken line of ordinations, from the one who laid hands on him back to Joseph Smith, and then to Peter, James, and John who, ...