On their website, the Watch Tower define their New World Translation Bible as: ‘ A translation of the Holy Scriptures made directly from Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek into modern-day English by a committee of anointed witnesses of Jehovah. These expressed themselves regarding their work as follows: “The translators of this work, who fear and love the Divine Author of the Holy Scriptures, feel toward Him a special responsibility to transmit his thoughts and declarations as accurately as possible. They also feel a responsibility toward the searching readers who depend upon a translation of the inspired Word of the Most High God for their everlasting salvation.” This translation was originally released in sections, from 1950 to 1960. Editions in other languages have been based on the English translation.’ ( Reasoning From the Scriptures, p.276 ) T heir stated aim (italicised) is laudable, however we judge things not by intentions but by results. We can’t build a reputation on what ...
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