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Showing posts from March, 2016

The Jehovah's Witness Great Crowd: Reader Comment

The latest issue of the Reachout newsletter , carried an article about The Watchtower Memorial Meal.  The article concentrated on the division between the great majority of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Great Crowd, and the Anointed Class, the 144,000, who alone are to partake of the memorial meal. A reader sent in some comments after studying the article and shared some interesting insights into how Jehovah's Witnesses see themselves in the great scheme of things. 'I've just read with interest your article entitled 'The Memorial Meal'  in the latest Reachout Trust newsletter. I was  born into the  Witnesses in 1967 and remained there until about 26 years ago when I  became born again. Most of my family are still in the JW organisation. I just wanted to point out a couple of things from the article. The  'great crowd' are encouraged to see themselves as having just as close  a relationship with the organisation as the 'anointed', the soc...
Mormons and the Bible Just as in other churches, Mormons face the question of what to think of the different Bible translations available today. Most churches have a standard text, a pew Bible, but often encourage members to use and explore other translations. Christians have found this very helpful as each translation brings its own strengths and weaknesses. It is also the case that… read more →

5 Familiar Jehovah's Witness Ideas You Won't Find in the Bible

The Watchtower Society make much of the symbols and customs of what they call ‘Christendom’ that they say won’t be found in Scripture. It is true to say that people in glasshouses shouldn’t throw stones and Witnesses certainly need to have a care, “for with the judgement you are judging, you will be judged, and with the measure that you… read more →