The Foundation for Christian Studies at is drawing the attention of an increasing number of Christian apologetics and anti-cult ministries. Typical among the comments from those who have contacted us are: Warning! Pass this on as a warning!!! This is very deceptive. Deceptive Web site! What could be deceptive about a foundation dedicated to the study of Christianity, whose web address is an open invitation to "study Christianity"? Well, this foundation is a thoroughly Mormon institution and the deception is in that this fact is not immediately apparent. Keith MacGregor of MacGregor Ministries commented " It may be hard for many to find out that this is LDS unless one knows Mormonism" Having studied the site we have found that the alarm is justified. I wrote to the founders putting people's concerns and asking why they feel it necessary to be less than frank about their identity and activities. The following is the extent of our cor...
The Official Blog of Reachout Trust: Christian writing on Cults, Religions, Apologetics, Bible Teaching