Let’s face it most people don’t know what a Mormon is notwithstanding the Mormon Church’s talk of “the familiar sight of missionaries with backpacks riding their bikes”. Those of us who interest ourselves in all issues Mormon will, on the other hand, know exactly what a Mormon is, i.e. someone who believes that Joseph Smith “restored” an apostate Christianity in early 19th century America, believes that the Book of Mormon is a work of Scripture, and that Mormonism is led by prophets who get revelations from God. In an article at in the Mormon Times those good old boys at FAIR (Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research) argue otherwise. Answering the question “What’s Wrong with Calling the FLDS Mormon?” they go on to offer an apologetic that demonstrates how you might have your cake and eat it. It’s that (Mormon) thing they do that so often gets people worked up and this is a prime example. They begin with the argument that “Mormon” is copyright while “Christian” is a generic ...
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