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Showing posts from June, 2008

When is a Cult not a Cult?

The Watchtower, 15 February 1994 shows the Society reacting to being called a cult. We must realise that this article was very poignant set as it was in the wake of the tragedy of Waco. We read, “Occasionally, anticult organizations and the media have referred to Jehovah’s Witnesses as a cult. A number of recent newspaper articles lump the Witnesses with religious groups known for their questionable practices. But would it be accurate to refer to Jehovah’s Witnesses as a small fringe religious group? Cult members often isolate themselves from friends, family, and even society in general. Is that the case with Jehovah’s Witnesses? Are the Witnesses using deceptive and unethical techniques to recruit members?” - The Watchtower, 15 February 1994, p.4. A ruthless attorney could have a field day with that statement and as so often with the Watchtower Society they shoot themselves in the foot. They do isolate themselves and the do use deceptive practices as is shown in this and other Reachou...

Shaken Faith Syndrome

The Mormon apologetics site FAIR has released a book by Michael R Ash designed to help Mormons deal with the "Anti-Mormon material" they encounter. It is enitled Shaken Faith Syndrome and the following is the blurb that accompanies the book: "Description In today's Internet world, an increasing number of Latter-day Saints are encountering anti-Mormon material. In the absence of ready answers , LDS-critical claims can be unsettling or create doubt. Some arguments have caused a few members—even active members with strong testimonies—to lose their faith. Shaken Faith Syndrome explores how we can be both critical thinkers and devout believers. Misconceptions that can make us vulnerable to shaken faith are dispelled, and some of the most frequent anti-LDS claims are refuted. Shaken Faith Syndrome invites us to strengthen our testimonies and intellectual foundations as we develop a more mature appreciation for prophets and revelation as well as a greater understanding of ...

Todd Bentley and the Lakeland 'revival'

Every day I am being asked about the current ‘revival’ in Florida and there is every sign that these enquiries will continue to increase as ‘it’ has now been imparted, as it is ‘transferable’, and has reached a number of places in Britain; because it is now on our doorstep it is very important that each one of us make up our minds before the Lord, especially as Todd Bentley is planning to come to England this summer, and he says that he wants to hire the largest stadium available. We have read many words already written on these events and do not simply want to add to them, but we do want to encourage Christians to test this out for themselves and not simply accept one side or the other without really knowing why. We can so easily right ‘the other side’ off but there is only one God and I believe there is only one way to test what is happening. That is not by feelings; it is not be how many apparent signs there are; it is not by whether we like Todd Bentley or not but it is according t...

More on Negroes and the Mormon Priesthood

The Mormon Church 'celebrates' thirty years since Black men were granted priesthood blessings. Despite the fact that official Mormon publications still contain passages that denounce the Negro as a representative of Satan on the earth and unworthy, Black people, especially in Africa , have been joining in great numbers. The way the Mormon Church 'explains' its murky past is by telling people that old attitudes to Negroes were the product of folk lore and never official teachings of the church. This is a blatant and shameful lie from the pit of hell and protestors in temple square, including Bill McKeever of Mormonism Research Ministry , were determined to remind Mormons of their racist past. See them on you tube here The tragedy is that Black people are falling for this lie in droves and are made to look foolish when they stand in front of cameras to defend a church that has always considered them as almost subhuman. You can read about the 'scripture' source for...

This Bread Always: Remembering June 8 - another day the revelation changed again for Mormons forever

Mormons are "celebrating" - perhaps that should be "marking" - 30 years since Negroes were admitted into the Mormon priesthood. Think of it; at a stroke men who bore the Mark of Cain, were for almost 150 years considered low, mean and lazy, not positively proselytised, and unworthy until the end of time were told that it was all a terrible mistake and now no one can understand or remember why they were barred for so many years. It must be great having a prophet. This blog entry from "This Bread Always" is a succinct, piercing and thoroughly biblical response to this infamous anniversary. This Bread Always: Remembering June 8 - another day the revelation changed again for Mormons forever

Unorthodox Mormon Behaviour

Anyone who knows Mormons will know how very image conscious they are. The Mormon Church goes to a great deal of trouble to present itself as politically neutral, theologically Christian and reasonably irenic in its dealings with other churches and faiths. Anyone who really knows Mormons will know that this is all a facade, a sophisticated public relations exercise, and that behind it is a faith that rejects and denounces historical Christianity in all its forms, views the existence of different expressions of Christianity as a depressing proof of total apostasy and sees its mission as being to preach to and convert everyone in the world who isn’t a Mormon. Far from ‘respecting’ other Christian churches Mormonism considers us all woefully inadequate and wilfully in error, if not individually then generically. Mormon missionaries, of course, are very conscious of their role as ambassadors for the church and know instinctively, almost from the cradle, the image they are meant to project. ...