Thoughts of a Prophet – Hope for the Best Gordon B Hinckley, the Mormon prophet, passed away on 27 January 2008. I have been thinking about what to say about a man who, at 97, was able to boast so much: a massive temple building programme; the oldest serving president; the popularising of Mormonism through TV, Radio and newspaper work (famously his numerous interviews with Larry King). What did the man think about his faith? What would be the abiding message of the spiritual leader of Mormons around the world? In a press conference held to mark the occasion of his 95 th birthday he offered his thoughts on long life and eternal prospects. It was significant that the leader of the only true church on the face of the earth, a man with “sole authority” to represent Jesus Christ, had little to offer by way of eternal hope, and made no mention of the work of Christ and the assurance of Salvation. Here was a golden opportunity to declare a message of hope but all he had to offer was hope for...
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